2.1. Using Animail with other filters (SpamAssassin, etc)3. Animailrc configuration reference
3.1. Server options4. Tricks
3.2. Global options
3.3. Post-Filter options
--help or -H
Show help
-o [arrival | small | bug] or --download-order=[arrival | small | big]
arrival Download messages by server arrival order
small Download first the smaller messages
big Download first the bigger messages
-f [file] or --mbox-file=[file]
file mbox format file where mail must be stored
-v or --verbose
Verbose mode
-s [size] or --max-size=[size]
Maximum size (bytes) of messages to be downloaded
-n [max] or --max-to-download=[max]
Maximun number of messages to download
-S or --deliver-smtp
Resend the messages to the local SMTP
-B or --syslog-output
Write all the output to the syslog
-t or --quiet
Quiet mode
-F or --only-filter
Don't download, only filter
-l or --no-summary
Don't show the summary
-C or --check
Check for new mail, and print how many mails we have in each remote mailbox but don't download them. The output is very easy to parse by other programs. The program also returns 1 if there is new mail and 0 in the opposite.
-M or --fetchmail
The same that -C but with a fetchmail-compatible output.
-O or --only-from=
Only download messages from the given comma separated list of servers on this run. The servers parameter is a server alias NOT a server address (so you must configure an 'Alias:' command in the animailrc for each server you will eventually want to use with this).
The path to the accept file is specified in the animailrc file with:
AcceptFile: /path/to/acceptfile
Just including the above command in the animailrc activates his use.
The deny file has the same format that the accept file, but insted of making the messages matching one of their regular expressions to be accepted has the reverse effect: They are deleted from the server without even downloading his body. The regular expressions we write in this file will usually match the email addresses of known spammers. Of course, using regular expression syntax we can match anything contained in the header, not only the 'From' address but also the number of people in the Cc: field and almost any other thing we can think of (regular expressions are extremelly powerfull).
The path to the deny file is specified in the animailrc file with:
Filterfile: /path/to/filterfile
Just including the above command in the animailrc activated his use.
So depending of we using one, both or none of the above files we're going to have one or other filtering system. If we only define the deny file (Animail only allowed this until version 1.1.28) we are going to be using a 'black list' scheme. This scheme worked very well in 1998 when Animail started to be developed, because there weren't soo many spammers and most of the spam come from a few addresses. Unfortunately nowadays this filtering system is not enough because there are a lot of spammers and they change frecuently his address. A solution to this oculd be to try some very generic regular expressions to filter subsentences like 'lot of money' o 'life for ever' in the subject, but unfortunately this can result in legitimate email being deleted (for example, a friend sending us an email with the subject "I found work for you which can make you earn lots of money".
Trying to a find a solution for this, Animail (version 1.1.28 and up) allows
another two filtering systems (inspired by the idea the software TMDA is using but applied to a different level. TMDA is
distributed with a BSD license, but Animail doesn't share any code with it.):
The first option is very aggresive, but can be interesting for people that only
want to receive email from limited sources (like mailing list and some friends). To
use this option besides having specified the path to the accept file we need to add
to the global section of the animailrc:
NotInAcceptFile: Delete
The second option, undoubtedly more usefull for most people, is that each time we receive and email from a source not in the accept or deny file that message is put 'on hold' in the animailDelayed directory under the .animail directory of out home dir, and a polite reply is sent specifiying why is message has not been delivered yet (anti spam measures) and asking to reply to that autoreply so his address is added to the accept file. When Animail receive that reply all the messages 'on hold' are delivered, and the original address is added to the accept file (we can configure Animail not to add automatically the address, see the global options reference.)
Is important to note that is we're using this filtering system we've to add the different mailing list address we're subscribed to the accept file, and some other strings matching some automatically generated messages we want to receive (like "MAILER-DAEMON", "subscri", etc).
Anyway when the operation summary is shown, we can see what email address have been put on hold and looking for some days those address we can figure what strings to put on the accept file (we can manually read the messages put on hold opening the mbox files under .animail/animailDelayed with our favourite mail reader.)
As the tittle of this section suggests, Animail can be used with other external filters to combine his filtering skills with the ones already on Animail. Those filters (you can specify any number of them) will be called just after downloading a message and just before delivering it; depending of the return value of some output of that filter the message will be delivered, ignored, or copied to a log mailbox (so you can see if those filters are not deleting important mail). All the commands discussed on the examples of this subsection are detailed on the <PostFilter> command block reference.
Doing it is very easy: You just have to create a new PostFilter block and configure in a way suitable for the program you are using. You can also add options to copy the filtered messages to a log mailbox, to copy the output of the post-filter instead of the original message to that mailbox (this is useful for programs which output is the original message modified, like SpamAssassin). It is more easy to see with a few examples:
PostFilter block for SpamAssassin:
PostFilterName: SpamAssassin
Path: /usr/bin/spamassassin
KillerProgramOutput: ^X-Spam-Flag: YES.*$
SavePostFilteredMails: stdout
The first command, after the tag, tells the name of the filter (for the program output). The 'Path' command is the path to the filter executable and third is a regular expression that if match with the program output will filter the message. The last command tells Animail to save the standart output of spamassasin in a special mailbox ('spambox'). That's all. Well, not exactly; you also have to put this on the global section:
PostFilteredMailsMbox: /home/yourhome/spambox
This command specifies the spambox to use to save filtered mails.
More examples:
PostFilter block for spamc (SpamAssassin C client):
PostFilterName: SpamAssassin-spamc
Path: /usr/bin/spamc
KillerReturnValues: 1
SavePostFilteredMails: stdout
PostFilter block for Bogofilter:
InputMessageByStdin: Yes
PostFilterName: Bogofilter
Path: /usr/bin/bogofilter
KillerReturnValues: 0
SavePostFilteredMails: no
How to add a new postfilter block for other commands:
The first thing you have to see is if that program read the mails
from his standart input or are specified as a file to his command
line, maybe after some parameter. In the first case you don't have
to specify nothing to Animail; stdin input is the default. In the
second case, you must write inside the postfilter section:
InputMessageByStdin: No
and in the Options
command you have to put a '%M' control code where you would usally
write the path to the message (along with other possible options).
Now you have to look how the filter reports when a program is spam
or not; Animail can handle to cases: Where the program returns some
special return code if the message if spam (like 'Bogofilter'
returning 0) or if the program output by his standard output or
standard error some text when it finds a spam message (this is the
case with SpamAssassin, which outputs X-Spam-Flag: YES). In the
first case the command to use is KillerReturnValues:
which parameter is a comma separated list (that could contain a
single element) of numeric return codes, and in the second case is
followed by one regular expression
that have to match the program output that reports spam. Maybe a
program can report spam in both ways (like SpamAssassin spamc
client); in this case you're safe writing both commands on the
config file (they are not exclusive). Finally you have to decide if
you want to see the filter output after every run (if there is some
output, that is) or you want to hide that output (that will still be
parsed by Animail if KillerProgramOutput
is specified).
This is done with the ShowFilterOutput
command that can
have the values yes/no, defaulting to 'no'.
Finally you have to decide if you want the filtered messages to be
copied to another mailbox (I call it 'spambox') where you could
check later for false positives (not spam tagged as spam). This is
done with the SavePostFilteredMails
command that can
have the values 'yes' for coying the original mail to the spambox,
no for don't, and 'output' to copy the filter program output instead
of the original mail (this is useful with filters like SpamAssassin
that print on his standard output a new version of the email of his
standard input). If you set this command to anything besides 'no'
you will also have to set the globa section command
to a writable path, or Animail
will issue a warning every time a spam-message is to be copied.
Note: This file must exist in each Animail user home directory under the directory .animail/ , there is not a system-wide configuration file.
This file is composed of one or more server groups and optionally postfilter groups and a global group. Each server groups defines the options for a specified server and the global option group defines... well, the global options. The postfilter groups specify the options for using an external programs as a help for the filtering system.
Servers groups are delimited between the starting tag <Server> and the ending tag </Server> , and global the global options groups by <Global> and </Global> , so the general structure for an animailrc file could be:
[Server commands here]
[Another server commands here]
... [More Server options group if you need to download mail from more servers]
[Postfilter commands here]
[Another postfilter commands here]
[Global options here]
The commands of each groups must be separated from threir parameters by a color. All commands and boolean (yes/no) parameters are case insensitive.
1. Address:
Parameter: String / IP Address in point notation
Default value: localhost
Internet address of the incoming mail server to use.
2. Protocol:
Parameter: Protocol string (POP3, IMAP4, APOP)
Default value: POP3
Protocol to use. Currently supported protocols are POP3, APOP and IMAP4.
3. SSL:
Parámeter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: no
This options tells Animail to use the Secure Socket Layer protocol for the transfers
if the remote server supports it. Currently only works with POP3.
4. Port:
Parameter: Numeric
Default value: 110 for POP3, 995 for POP3+SSL, 143 for IMAP4
Port to use with the mail server.
5. UserName:
Parámeter: String
Default value: None
Username to use with the mail server account.
6. Password:
Parameter: String
Default value: None
Password to use with the mail server account.
7. KeepOnServer:
Parámeter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: no
Specify if the messages must be deleted of the mailserver after the download or not.
This is useful to experiment without the risk of losing messages.
8. ResendTo:
Parameter: String list, comma separated of usernames or email
Default value: Local user running Animail
Tells Animail to forward all downloaded messages to the given user or email address.
If this option is not activated messages will be forwarded to the user running
Animail. The parameter can be a single address or a comma separated list of
Note: Depending of the local mail server configuration, it's posible that the domain
must be specified even with local users (adding a @localhost suffix after the
9. Deliver_mbox:
Parameter: String (path to file)
Default value: $HOME/mbox
This option overrides the globally configured delivery option for this server.
Activate delivery of this server messages to a Mbox-style mailbox (standar Unix
format which can be readed with most conventional Unix mail clients), and specifies
the path to the mbox file.
10. Deliver_maildir:
Parameter: String (path to a directory)
Default value: $HOME/Maildir/
This option overrides the globally configured delivery option for this server.
Activate delivery of this server messages to a Maildir mailbox (as used by QMail) and
specifies the path to the Maildir directory.
11. Deliver_localmta:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: yes
This option overrides the globally configured delivery option for this server.
Activate delivery of this server messages to a local MTA (localhost, port 25) using
the SMTP protocol. This is the recommended (and default) way of operation.
12. Deliver_pipe:
Parameter: String (command line)
Default value: /usr/sbin/sendmail -bm
This option overrides the globally configured delivery option for this server.
Activate delivery of this server messages to the command specified with the
parameter. The default parameter value is
/usr/bin/sendmail -bm.
If this option is found with a value Animail will use the command specified to deliver
downloaded messages instead of using the SMTP protocol or any of the other delivery methods
(currently mbox and maildir). The parameter can be any command that accepts RFC822 messages
on his standart input. The address of the destination of each email will be appended to the command
before opening the pipe so if the command needs an special parameter to accept the destination
address you need to pass it (for example, a line for procmail could be procmail [parámeters] -f).
2. MaxNumber:
Parameter: Numeric (number of emails)
Default value: Unlimited
Limits the number of messages to download in a session. Those messages that won't be
downloaded will be left on the server. If this option is omited there is no limit to
the number of messages to download in a session.
3. Deliver_mbox:
Parameter: String (path to file)
Default value: $HOME/mbox
Activate delivery of messages to a Mbox-style mailbox (standar Unix format which can
be readed with most conventional Unix mail clients), and specifies the path to the
mbox file.
This option can be overriden for some servers specifiying different delivery options
inside that servers options block.
4. Deliver_maildir:
Parameter: String (path to a directory)
Default value: $HOME/Maildir/
Activate delivery of messages to a Maildir mailbox (as used by QMail) and specifies
the path to the Maildir directory.
This option can be overriden for some servers specifiying different delivery options
inside that servers options block.
5. DownloadOrder:
Parameter: String (arrival, firsbig of firstsmall)
Default value: arrival
Specify the messages download order based on his size. It can have three parameters:
6. Deliver_localmta:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: yes
Activate delivery of messages to a local MTA (localhost, port 25) using the SMTP
protocol. This is the recommended (and default) way of operation.
This option can be overriden for some servers specifiying different delivery options
inside that servers options block.
7. Deliver_pipe:
Parameter: String (command line)
Default value: /usr/sbin/sendmail -bm
Activate delivery of this server messages to the command specified with the
parameter. The default parameter value is
/usr/bin/sendmail -bm.
If this option is found with a value Animail will use the command specified to deliver
downloaded messages instead of using the SMTP protocol or any of the other delivery methods
(currently mbox and maildir). The parameter can be any command that accepts RFC822 messages
on his standart input. The address of the destination of each email will be appended to the command
before opening the pipe so if the command needs an special parameter to accept the destination
address you need to pass it (for example, a line for procmail could be procmail [parámeters] -f).
This option can be overriden for some servers specifiying different delivery options inside
that servers options block.
8. FilterFile:
Parameter: Path to file
Default value: none
Using this option you tell Animail to turn on regular expression filtering. Regular
expressions must be written in the file specified in the path, one regular expression
in each line.
9. AcceptFile:
Parameter: Path to file
Default value: none
Using this option you tell Animail to auto accept the messages matching the regular
expressions in that file. That regular expressions must be written one in each line.
(See Filtering.)
10. NotInAcceptFile:
Parameter: string ('none', 'reply', 'ignore' or 'delete')
Default value: 'none'
Specifies with action to do when a message that is not in the accept or in the
filter file is received. If the parameter is 'delete' the file will be deleted from
the server and if it is 'reply' a reply will be sent to the sender asking for a
confirmation (see Filtering.). If the value is 'none' the
message will be normally delivered and if it is 'ignore' it will not be delivered, but it will also
don't be deleted from the server.
11. ReplyAddress:
Parameter: string (email address)
Default value: nothing (it must be specified)
Address Animail will use as the Reply-To: of the auto messages to send.
12. ReplySubject:
Parameter: string (email subject)
Default value: 'Auto-generated message'
Subject to be used in the auto-replys to messages not in the accept or in the deny
files. Animail will add the address specified in the ReplyAddress command to the end
of that subject string so it can't get confused by others animails' messages.
13. ConfirmSubject:
Parameter: string (email subject)
Default value: 'Ok, your messages have been delivered'
Subject to be used in the replys to email confirmations.
14. FileWithReply:
Parameter: string (path to file
Default value: None (in this case the default message will be the one that can be
read in the file of the Animail distribution)
File with the body of the message to be sent in the replies to emails not in the
accept or in the filter file asking the user to a confirmation just replying to this
message, so his email can be finally delivered and his address added to the accept
file. If this command is not specified a polite message in several languages
(currently english, spanish and italian, looking for help with more translations)
will be used.
15. FileWithConfirmation:
Parameter: string (path to file)
Default value: None (in this case the default message will be the one that can be
read in the file of the Animail distribution)
File with the body of the message to be sent in the replies to users confirmations.
If this command is not specified a polite message in several languages (currently
english, spanish and italian, looking for help with more translations) will be used.
16. AutoAcceptConfirmations:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: Yes
This option specifies if after a confirmation to an Animail request for confirmation
the sender must be automatically added to the accept file.
17. OnlyOneReply:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: No
Animail keeps a list of replied addresses in the file $HOME/.animail/repliedList.dat
(DON'T EDIT THAT FILE!!). This option makes Animail only send a reply to the first
message coming from an address not matching a regular expression in the accept or in
the filter file (the operation summary will continue to show the postergated
To prevent excesive startup time and memory usage, the list of replied messages has a maximum size of 500 entries (older entries will be removed when that sized is exceeded).
18. Timeout:
Parameter: Numeric (time in seconds)
Default value: 60
Limit how many seconds the program can wait to receive data from a socket (the time
the connection with a server is halted). After this timeout has expired the
connection is closed and Animail continues with the next server. The default value for this parameter
is to issue a timeout after 60 seconds, use 'Timeout:0' to disable using a timeout on sockets.
19. Mailer:
Parameter: String (command)
Default value: None
Mailer to use for reading messages (clicking on the "Read" button in the graphical
summary window).
20. Colorize:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: yes
Apply nice ANSI colors to the console output.
21. Reconnect:
Parameter: Boolean (yes/no)
Default value: yes
When some server fail (for whatever reason) during the operation, Animail will try
to reconnect to that server at the end of the session to delete already downloaded
messages so the next time we try to download messages from that servers you wont have
duplicated messages on you mail spool. Enabled by default.
22. WaitBeforeReconnection:
Parameter: Numeric (time in seconds)
Default value: 30
Time before reconnecting to a failed server (see the Reconnect option). This time start
counting in the moment that the server failed. This is necessary because some servers (usually
POP3 servers) don't allow the clients to do more than one connection at a time, and the
server needs some time to know that the connection is lost and close that session.
23. PostFilteredMailsMBox:
Parameter: String (Path to mailbox file)
Default value: None
This options tell Animail to save the message filtered by the
post-filters (see the Using Animail with
other filters and Post-Filter
options sections) on a mailbox ('spambox') file. For this option
to be useful you must also set the 'SavePostFilteredMails' option of
one or more <PostFilter> command
blocks to 'Yes', 'Output' or 'Stdout'.
24. SMTPSpamCodes:
Parameter: Comma separated list of three-digits SMTP codes
Default value: None
Using this option will instruct Animail to delete from the server
they were downloaded the messages to which the local SMTP server
issue an SMTP error code matching one of the codes on this option
list, insted of leaving the offending message in the server as would
happen with other error codes. This is usually used to enable the
local SMTP anti-spam features, thus the option name.
1. PostFilterName:
Parameter: String
Default value: None (must be specified)
Name for the filter. It will be using whenever Animail needs to name
this filter in his output.
2. Path:
Parameter: String (file path)
Default value: None (must be specified)
This is the path to the filter program. It must be a file, and that
file must have permissions to allow Animail reading and executing
3. InputMessageStdin:
Parameter: Boolean (Yes/No)
Default value: Yes
This switch tells Animail is the email must be feed to the
postfilter program using the program standard input. Since most mail
filters operate this way, the default value is 'Yes'. If you set
this option to 'No', read the description of the 'Options' command..
4. Options:
Parameter: String (program arguments)
Default value: None
This options set the arguments to be passed to the postfilter
program. If you set InputStdin to 'No' you probably need to specify
the path to the mail message to the filter in his options string.
This is done substituting the flag '%M' in this string by the actual
path of the mail message. For example, if you are using a filter
that don't accept mails in his standart input but need that mail to
be specified after a '-f' switch, this command argument would be:
Options: -f %M
5. KillerReturnValues:
Parameter: Comma separated list of numbers
Default value: None
This options specifies a comma separated list of numbers (can be a
single token) being those numbers return values that in case of
matching (one or more of them) against the filter return value will
cause the mail to be filtered. You can specify this option and
the 'KillerProgramOutput' option at the same time.
6. KillerProgramOutput:
Parameter: String (regular expression)
Default value: None
This option specifies a regular expression that would be checked
against the filter program output and in case of match would cause
the mail to be filtered. You can specify this option and
the 'KillerReturnValues' option at the same time.
7. ShowFilterOutput:
Parameter: Boolean (Yes/No)
Default value: No
This options specifies if the program filter output (stantard output
and standard error) must be shown.
8. SavePostFilteredMails:
Parameter: Boolean or String (Yes/No/Output/Stdout)
Default value: No
This options specifies if the mails filtered by the post-filters
must be copied to a mbox file ('spambox' file). The possible values
are: 'Yes' if the original message must be copied to the spambox,
'No' if don't, 'Output' if the filter program output is what is
to be copied to the spambox, instead of the original message and
'Stdout' which does the same that 'Output' but don't include the
error output (stderr) which will be printed.
If this option is set to 'Yes' or 'Output' you must also give a value to the option 'PostFilteredMailsMBox' of the <global> options section.
Versión 1.1.30
© 1998-2002 Juanjo Álvarez <>
Yes, my english is really bad[TM]